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1. Consent
Please read the following legal notices / terms and conditions of use ("Terms and Conditions of Use") carefully before accessing the website of the Maximus Caribbean Bank ("MCB"; the website of MCB is hereinafter referred to as "MCB Website"). By accessing the MCB Website, you agree that you understand and fully accept the Terms and Conditions of Use. If you do not understand or do not accept any provisions of the Terms and Conditions of Use, please leave the MCB Website.
2. Limited Access
The MCB Website must not be accessed by persons who (in particular on the basis of their nationality and/or residence) are subject to any jurisdiction prohibiting publication of the contents of the MCB Website or access to the MCB Website (for whatever reasons). Persons to whom these restrictions apply are not allowed access to the MCB Website.
3. No Offer
The information and opinions published on the MCB Website do not constitute an advertisement or a recommendation, solicitation, offer or invitation to submit an offer to (i) purchase or sell any investment instruments, (ii) perform any other transactions, or (iii) conclude any other legal transactions. They are merely for information purposes. It cannot be ruled out that the investment instruments and services described are not suitable or not available for you.
4. No Advice
The information and opinions published on the MCB Website are not to be construed as investment advice or any other kind of advice on legal, tax, financial or other issues. They are not suitable to be used as a basis for decision-making. Please consult a specialized expert before making any decision to take concrete action.
5. No Warranty
MCB provides no warranty (neither express nor implicit) that the information and opinions published on the MCB Website are correct, accurate, complete, true and up-to-date. In particular, MCB is in no way obligated to update outdated information or opinions, remove them from the MCB Website or mark them correspondingly. The information and opinions contained on the MCB Website are subject to change at any time without notice. Likewise, MCB assumes no responsibility and gives no warranty that (i) the MCB Website will perform without error or interruption, and (ii) that the MCB Website and all other components used in accessing the MCB Website contain no harmful elements (particularly viruses). We wish to point out that past performance of an investment instrument is not necessarily indicative of its performance in the future. Moreover, investments in foreign currencies are subject to exchange rate fluctuations. Also, distributions in connection with an investment instrument may vary. MCB does not provide any warranty for (i) the increase in or maintenance of the value of investment instruments and (ii) the amount of future distributions.
6. No Liability
Liability of MCB for damage of any kind (including consequential damage) directly or indirectly resulting from access to the MCB Website shall be excluded except where there is intent or gross negligence.
7. No orders
The entry fields on the MCB Website must not be used for placing orders (e.g. orders for the purchase/sale of investment instruments) with MCB. Any orders placed that way will not be executed by MCB. A corresponding notice to the sender is not required.
8. Intellectual Property
All elements contained on the MCB Website are protected by intangible property rights and are owned by MCB or third parties. The downloading or printing of elements of the MCB Website does not involve the transfer of any rights whatsoever, particularly no rights relating to software, trademarks or elements of the MCB Website. Notices relating to copyrights and brands must neither be changed nor removed. The reproduction of elements of the MCB Website in whole or in part, in whatever form (particularly in electronic or printed form), is only allowed with full acknowledgment of source. The publication of reproduced elements of the MCB Website is only allowed with the prior written consent of MCB and with full acknowledgment of source.
9. Potential Conflicts of Interest
It is possible that MCB itself or its directors or employees invested, are investing or will invest in investment instruments with respect to which the MCB Website contains information or opinions. Moreover, it is possible that MCB provided, is providing or will provide services to the issuers of such investment instruments, e.g. in the field of corporate finance or market making. Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out that employees or directors of MCB engaged, are engaging or will engage in activities for the issuers of such investment instruments, e.g. as directors. MCB itself or its directors or employees could therefore have an interest in the future performance of investment instruments.
10. Links to other Websites
The MCB Website contains links to websites which are not reviewed and offered by MCB. Should you activate such links, you leave the MCB Website at your own risk. MCB has not investigated such websites and is not responsible for their contents.
11. Investment Funds and Investment Banking Products
The MCB Website contains information on investment funds and investment banking products. Access to such information is only possible after you have entered your country of residence and your nationality. You are then granted access to information on investment funds and investment banking products which are authorized for distribution in the jurisdiction to which you are subject. In this connection, please read the Special Legal Notices Regarding the Investment Funds and Investment Banking Sections / Special Terms and Conditions of Use.
12. Changes to the Terms and Conditions of Use
MCB reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions of Use from time to time. Therefore, please read these Terms and Conditions of Use whenever you access the MCB Website and check whether you also agree with the new version. If you do not understand or do not accept any provisions of the present Terms and Conditions of Use, please leave the MCB Website.
13. Applicable Law / Place of Jurisdiction
The use of the MCB Website as well as these Terms and Conditions of Use and Legal Notices are subject to the laws of St. Kitts and Nevis. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is St. Kitts and Nevis.


1. Introduction
The MCB group is committed to preserving the confidentiality of personal data. This Privacy Policy provides information on how we use data made available to us by you in connection with the use of our website. Our Privacy Policy only applies to the data described below which is generated in connection with your use of our website. Please read our Privacy Policy carefully prior to accessing our website and, in particular, prior to entering any personal data. By accessing our website, you agree that you understand and fully accept our Privacy Policy. Our website contains hyperlinks to websites which are offered and maintained by third parties. We have no influence on the contents of such websites and the data protection practices applicable in connection with such websites. Therefore, we do not assume any responsibility for such websites, and recommend that you study the Privacy Policy of such websites before accessing them.
2. Collection of data
We collect personal data that has not been anonymized in connection with our website only where you have deliberately entered such data and sent it to us, e.g. when subscribing to a newsletter. Non-personal or anonymized data are collected e.g. by applying cookie technology or by collecting IP addresses.
3. Transfer of data
We wish to point out that a transfer of data over the Internet may involve an uncontrolled cross-border transmission even if both the sender and the recipient are located in the same country. We do not assume any liability for the security of your data during the transmission over the Internet. Any notices e-mailed to us by you may not be secure. In case you e-mail to us confidential information, you do so at your own risk. If deemed appropriate by you in the individual case, please contact us via a secure data transmission channel instead of over the Internet. As the sender and recipient remain recognizable even in case of the transmission of encoded data, it cannot be excluded that a third party - possibly by mistake - could infer an existing banking relationship between you and MCB.
4. Storage of data
After you have transferred personal data to us, such data are stored on our servers in US. We have taken adequate data protection measures to allow access to such data only for a limited group of authorized persons. We reserve the right to store personal data outside of US. In this case, we represent and warrant that we will ensure a level of protection corresponding to the level applicable in US.
5. Use of data
We use personal data that has not been anonymized only for the purpose stated in connection with the entry of the data (e.g. sending of newsletters) as well as for the personalized marketing of MCB products and services which in our view could be of interest to the respective person. Personal data will only be made available to third parties if and to the extent that such parties are involved in the performance of the services you ordered by entering your data, or as required by the law or regulatory provisions. All data collected are confidential and are handled accordingly. We use anonymized data (e.g. IP addresses or data collected by using cookies) for customary statistical analyses and for optimizing our website. In addition, we use such non-personal data for facilitating the use of our website for you. For example, with the help of cookies, it is possible to save your choice of your country of residence for the duration of a session, so that you do not have to repeat the corresponding entry. We use cookie technology on this website. This technology enables us to give you a unique user number and thus to recognize you when you visit our website again. Among other things, this enables us to collect data on the use of the website and so improve it for you and other users. The data are exclusively processed and used anonymously and as a whole. You have the option of increasing the security settings of your browser. Among other things, you can opt to be shown when you receive a new cookie. Alternatively, you can deactivate cookies altogether.
6. Changes to the Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We therefore recommend that you visit this page regularly.